Thar' Be Pirates off the Port Bow

A Varitable Sea Chest of Knowlege, gyar!

Monday, January 16, 2006

A Special Kind of Holiday

Gyarr. so it seems to me that looten' and pilaging should be free fer all.. well 'cept those dirty ninjas. And so it happens that today we celibrate a kind of freedom that embraces us all. The love of the open waters and gentle rise and fall of your poop as you clasp onto the riggens. Now don't peg me wrong, harharhar, I'm not a sentamental salt. But some times there be a need to hold respect fer men who deid fer what they believe in, specialy when that belief was couaperation and unity. Though I can't be putten' all the jesten aside, on acount that would go against that code of the Jolly Rogger, I can say that as we sails these waters a day on non-aggretion should be raised. To stop all the haten and all the conflicting, to drink, sing and wench (especially wench). And if ye got bothers with mate settle it, unless it be over a tab in which case that be up to yer descresion. But we be all most into port now, bring yer salty dogs to the Blue Admiral and we can continue over a pint. Lose the sails the totterin' dofers or be tossed 'long the anchor. Gyarr.


Blogger Grubbs_The_Mighty said...

yarr, flagon of grog. The Davey Jones smiles upon ye. Though if ye be looken' fer a oppinated rant with a little less pirate, I wouldn't know why, ye could click upon the link to the captain's other blog.

3:00 PM  
Blogger Loni Swensen said...

You are hilarious. I love the name and theme of your blog!

I'm a fan of pirates...well...friendly ones who don't want to kill me. Are you a friend of Jack Sparrow, by any chance?

6:49 PM  
Blogger Grubbs_The_Mighty said...

Jack was me second cousin on me mother's side, or was it me great uncle Barty's Son-in-law's son. Something pretty distent I wager, though speaken'o'wager that son of a cur still owes me sixteen deblunes. Never lend money to Jack ye'll never see it or him again. Just kept goin on bout how he'd repay me when he got me ship back. Then one night stole off with me orical, me private wine and a few very nice frilly shirts. I don't want to see that tanished tubber again, but I kinda like the shirts back... a gift from me mom.. garr he'll walk the gallows fer the calm he torned asunder. "This will be the last day..." always that same speech. Should o'gaged him first and cut second but family's family. Ya learn to put up with ém.

7:06 PM  

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