Thar' Be Pirates off the Port Bow

A Varitable Sea Chest of Knowlege, gyar!

Friday, February 24, 2006

A New Dawn

Avast!! and who be ye, scurr, scumm, come ta drag me off'a yer pub floor? I've just seen the bottom of Davey John's Locker and ye tell me ta "scram." I wont have it! Stand and unfold sir, oh, the floor be a might more unstable then I thought. What? Of course I'd been a drinken' I've been drinken' fer the las two days! Lossen a hand er two is one thing, but to loes 'em all at once. *slam's table with glass* That sir, that is an unjustice. Those bastered hated Brits think they control the seas. No, no offence meant, I wasn't a talken' bout the good citizens who give a plank fer the rules as the rules give a plank fer them.

No, I was a talkin' bout the govn'mnt officals who where big hat, with big feathers all to compensate fer the extra space in thar britches, gyarr. But wh..But what ye may ask yerself, is a scurvy, sorry buckanear doing alone with out a pitance to his name..ugg..I mean the with out extra pitance af'er this fine grog... got enough fer that o' course. No... now ye got me shirt coller a fralled, no, I got it, or ye better get it. There that's the ticket, no ye may wonder, what I be do'en here with so little coin to me name. Well, it be a long story, full of twists and turns. Ye want to hear it ya say, well sir. How's about ye buy me a drink o' the best and I will get on ta tellen'

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I've come to the conclutions that It be cold outside, and this ain't no leap o' the rock. When ye see yer breath rise and it ain't smoke chanceses are its colder then a whiches teet out there. Now what I can not stand is those whiners that come up to me and says," It be cold outside!" Well, no shite! And then they complain at me like the three minuets that they've been walking at 9 is somehow worse then 2 hours I spent walking this morning at 7. But I digress! Do to ice me ships been stuck in port and me men are getting restless. I think the dream jurnal is do'n then good, but I don't know quite yet. They keep on mutteren' about the spay of the sea and the smell of gulls and other such...and wouldn't you know it, I miss it more then the lot of them. We are stuck in town now, and forced to take up jobs (only temerary) until we get back to sea. Some are haven' more sucksess then others. But more on that later. Thar' be an important mandate cummen' up from teh gov'nment and she's got me a bit shaken. Something about proposing and working on projects. I think I might have somethen to do with you know what. And I told 'em a houndred times if I a told them once. I ain't the marring kind. Mind I got a list long as me arm o' lasses tha'd like to be me misses. But then you got to cut down on the drinking, and the smoking, and the dancing with monekys, and the whoring ye got to cut down on the whoring or they get tight in a bind. And then she 'specs ye to get a "decent job" and take out the trash. Barnickles I says, I don't need that not now no-ways. So admerial Mogan can hold whatever he wants over me head, I ain't a getten married to appease him!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Me Blog Sucks!

Well, it be that time of the mounth. Sleepen' on me couch? No, it be that frivalous holiday, My Blog Sucks Day. Were all whining land lovers get together and go on complainen about the enequities of their reports. I feel that I must contribute to this phonomanon, *doo-doo-de-du-du* but specifyen' how I want to make me reopten more efficent {includen' some plans and goals). Fers' I plan to do updaten' a bit more offeten. I hope ter provide ya lot with more links to other piratey things. Sharon has offered to allow me to use a picture of her dog, which might be a bit over board, and I want to through in some more music links. Not only performed, but to shanty lyrics. They can keep you in yer right mind, when yer away from port for nigh on a fortnight. I also hope to through recipies fer grog and other sailen' necesites. As well as look fer comments and intrigrate it into future posts.

So thems the plans, if ye have a problem with it ye can wash them over yer poop deck. Gyarr. Though potty humer is somethin' I am never striven fer. Also reporten' sober from time ta time would be good. But I don't think necicary.

It's 3:00 AM, Do ye know where yer parrot is?