Thar' Be Pirates off the Port Bow

A Varitable Sea Chest of Knowlege, gyar!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Pressd Fer Time

Intro... Report #2... Report #3

It seems to me that I don't know me own crew. It be only natural fer women to be talken 'bout feelings. Though, I was a bit desterbed when I read it, it be good as most ye know, but I was still a bit disterbed. I expected a more formal and concise entry from me. Press Gang Officer However, jawen 'bout Miss Conceptions ain't a billowen the sails. What struck me firs' be the drawings in the back ground, they make it hard fer me to read, and believe me readen ain't easy. But I think that can go aside fer now.(bein' she's the one who a'caries the nine tails) As Fer drawens and scriblins art she has a few. And they be good work to. She may come off confident in her entries but the entries ain't confident anuff. She gots all these folks tellen her thar a'fine art. I should have her draw a portrait o' me likeness. But, I better move on. Now as fer the purpose of her journalen' I think it be just that, with a little more. She a has a blurb at the top talken about submitions fer writtens and the like Which I believes speaks volumes about her character and dedication to other thing then pressen'. The sort of desturbes be to. Do all me officers have lives when they be off me clock?

Also, thar seems to be an evolven theme commen' up. Dream Journalen, it be a relativly new concept but I don't think she be the first to write on them. Two entries it seems amoung the "recents." One about the dream at her house, which I've heard of and give props to the father fer a killen that whore. The second be about the sleepless dreams. A cacophony of disturbing concepts in every bite. I do agree with her, I miss the balding gally hand as well, ar. I don't believe any herbs of science can gave ye special dreams though. Sometimes they port sometimes don't. Gyarr, though I do beleive that these things do have a specail significance. Like me Helms-man said. Though I don't know what that could be. Getten imput fer dreams is a good idea though. I'd try it but the only thing I think of is sea and treasure, pretty much me regular day. Though they smell better, 25 sweating men that havn't bathed in months on the same 40 foot boat tends ta offend the noise.



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