Thar' Be Pirates off the Port Bow

A Varitable Sea Chest of Knowlege, gyar!

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Report #1, Report #2, Report #3

Gyarr, and ahoy, it be a new day. A day fer reflection and a further undersanden of me crew... and a few land lovers. I have taken the liberty of demanden journalen (on the advice of me council) to prevent miss-treatment aboard me boards, harharhar. That way, apparently, I will know when I am too harsh, or too soft on 'em. A few tales of the sea I might throw in to. Needless to say it be fun fer the whole family. And remember I don't don't demand much (demand bein' the key word) but a lil' o'yer time and 200 deblunes. Let nobody say I ain't a generous captain. Yarr, before a perusin this report please view the [Disclamir], thank ye fer your time. As Fer the order o reporten, as many have done so far, I am going to start with me Press Gang Officer , The Great Jessymandias , and a tree hugger. Though I might get to a lass from australia if there be time. And I a hope there be time, gyarr. What be a pirates favorite notion (sewing bits and bobs) A Yyarn, gyarr let the tales begin.



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